Programs   Best Practices Forum of the Americas

The Best Practices Forum of the Americas project took place over a period of 4 years

In 2007, SPA successfully concluded the last edition of the Best Practices Forum of the Americas. The forum was created in 2003 as a tool through which OAS member states efficiently and cost-effectively communicated by internet, in an effort to share the successful experiences of leading countries in tackling issues in the priority areas related to electronic government.

What was the objective of the project?

The objective of the Forum was to offer practical experiences, best practices and lessons learned to a number of different leaders of the member states of the OAS. Through the forum, the interchange of information between colleagues of the different countries was facilitated and this permitted the creation of ties and relationships that brought light to practices and projects that had previously remained unknown.

What were the benefits of the Forum?

  • Avoiding the duplication of efforts and making more efficient use of resources.

  • Consolidating practices and lessons learned that improve the quality of future projects.

  • Allowing 169 government leaders from 33 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean to share experiences with colleagues who share similar responsibilities in the region.

The following documents were produced as a result of the exchanges of information:

As a result of these interchanges and the study of these experiences, SPA published the following bilingual documents (Spanish and English) for each of the Best Practices Forums of the Americas:

For more information on this program please contact 
[email protected]