Programs   MuNet Cadastre

Support to the Cadastres of the Americas                                                                                          

With the objective of contributing to reinforce the OAS essential purposes, Cadastre at the OAS raises as a fundamental tool for the strengthening of the rule of law and for the establishment of a more efficient and transparent public management. Among others, cadastre could greatly contribute to the establishment of peace and security, to the consolidation of representative democracies, to the peaceful resolution of political, economic and legal controversies, and to promote socio-economic development to eradicate poverty.
Through the promotion of capacity-building activities and modernization of cadastre in the Americas, the OAS aims for its Member States to improve and consolidate comprehensive and functional georeferenced data bases (cadastre and registry systems). These systems shall not only offer adequate information for tax collection purposes and better planning, but also generate transparent and efficient environments where citizens and the State can widely interact for the improvement of democratic governance and a sustainable development.
Cadastral georeferenced information in data bases of central and local governments are essential and crosscutting tool for public administration in relation to territorial and resource management.
Cadastre at the OAS
Beyond the traditional “tax collection” vision or fiscal cadastre, the OAS has promoted efficiency and transparency for over 8 years with a municipal and national approach that emphasizes in the importance of the multipurpose use of the cadastre for planning and development, but also as a mean to set the basis for sustainable economic development.
The OAS has supported municipalities in cadastre and registry such as Colón (Venezuela), Cojutepeque (El Salvador), Belén (Costa Rica), y Azogues (Ecuador), among others, and also has launched cadastre modernization initiatives in Cuenca, (Ecuador), and national initiatives in El Salvador, Guatemala and Bolivia. Moreover, the OAS supported the modernization of Antigua and Barbuda and St; Kitts and Nevis in the Caribbean. These previously mentioned initiatives, as well as technical missions in Haiti for the development of a comprehensive modernization proposal were carried-out in the Framework of the MuNet Cadastre program f the OAS, financed by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the technical and financial support of the OAS alliance for the modernization of cadastre in the Americas.

To strengthen the capacities of its Member States, together with its hemispheric network of cadastre experts and the building of public private partnerships, the OAS through it cadastre program has also developed a strategic group of methodological resources. The program counts with an integral portfolio or online courses, hemispheric forums, and a complete “toolkit” for the modernization of cadastre.

With an Integral vision that has for objective the strengthening of human and institutional cadastral capacities that could positively impact growth and progress, the hemispheric network of cadastre experts, the OAS alliance for the modernization of cadastre, and the strategic partners of the OAS, stand as another important asset of the Organization of American States.
Throughout the years the Cadastre Program has been able to build solid alliances with prestigious worldwide providers of solutions for cadastre such as the Environmental Sciences Research Institute (ESRI), Trimble Navigation, and Stewart Global Solutions form the private sector, as well as with modern cadastral offices as is the case of the Office of Cadastre of Quebec, Canada, among others; and the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) 
Objectives of the Cadastre Program
Taken as a reference the multipurpose cadastre as envisioned by the OAS and its approach of strengthening municipal cadastres that contribute them selves to the strengthening of provincial and national cadastres, the objectives of the Cadastre Programs of the OAS are as follows:
•          To strengthening cadastre and registry capacities throughout the Americas by providing central and local governments with access to detailed methodological cadastre/registry resources and the necessary assistance to develop coherent modernization projects.
•          To consolidate efficiency and transparency of the public administration by improving the operations and processes of cadastre and registry of Latin America and the Caribbean for better citizen services, greater levels of property tax collection, and widespread use of reliable information for decision making .
A modern cadastre should contribute among others to:
1.       To Increase the efficiency and accuracy of tax collection with the purpose of improving municipal finances,
2.       To promote legal empowerment,
3.       To improve urban planning,
4.       To serve as a tool for integral development, such as national infrastructure planning or sustainable development: (reforestation, roads, electricity, dikes, britches, etc.)
5.       To consolidate stable and transparent real state markets
6.       To increase economic/financial activity through loans granted by using titles as collaterals.
7.       To generate secure investment environments



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